Richard Portas
28 Nov 2022
2 awards for our efficienct and energy saving balers!
Friday night saw us hitting the jackpot with regards to awards.
Over the past year, we have all faced increased costs on electric. Typically in our Presona way, we wanted to see what we could do for our customers in saving them money on their energy bills.
The whole team has been working hard on some specialist equipment that can save energy consumption for our customers. In the following weeks you will see more information on our energy saving tech and we will be open ears for any of your questions - so please keep you eye's pealed for the news.
However, this hard work and determination from the team at Presona UK has led to us getting nominated and selected as winners for 2 prestigious awards.
First up on the night, we received the Sustainability/Low Carbon Business of the Year Award! We were all elated with the win and may of consumed a few bevies to celebrate.
As the night went on, we were all enjoying the night and we went on to receive a second award, This time for Innovative Business Of The Year!
That's two awards for our new piece of energy tech.
We are all so proud of the team and the hard work everyone has put into it.
As mentioned before, we will be releasing more information on this which will make a difference to our customers.