Richard Portas
28 Jun 2018
Presona UK is now responsible for the distribution and maintenance...
Presona UK is now responsible for the distribution and maintenance of all Presona balers and associated recycling equipment in Northern Ireland.
Presona UK has previously been responsible for England, Scotland and Wales, but will now also take on all activities in Northern Ireland. Activities will include the supply, installation, commissioning and ongoing maintenance of Presona’s popular LP Series of prepress balers and recently introduced heavy duty conveyor range.
Commenting, Dean Clarke, managing director of Presona UK, said:
“The Presona UK approach has proved popular in England, Scotland and Wales. Customers like that we do things differently, focusing on customer objectives and efficiencies rather than plant supply.
“For us it’s about solving customer problems and meeting their plant objectives. That might be with a new machine – or keeping an existing one running with a dedicated planned maintenance and support programme.
“It’s been popular across our existing areas, and we’re certain that it will be well received with new, forward thinking clients in Northern Ireland.”
In fact, Presona UK already works with some organisations in Northern Ireland, but these have head offices outside of the territory. “It’s not a completely new area for us – but this new arrangement opens up a lot of new opportunities,” Dean said.